
Works with:


In order to invalidate cached objects, requests are sent to your caching proxy, so first:

  1. configure your proxy

  2. enable a proxy client

By invalidating a piece of content, you tell your HTTP caching proxy to no longer serve it to clients. When next requested, the proxy will fetch a fresh copy from the backend application and serve that instead. By refreshing a piece of content, a fresh copy will be fetched right away.


Invalidation can result in better performance compared to the validation caching model, but is more complex. Read the Introduction to Cache Invalidation of the FOSHttpCache documentation to learn about the differences and decide which model is right for you.

Cache Manager

To invalidate single paths, URLs and routes manually, use the invalidatePath($path, $headers) and invalidateRoute($route, $params, $headers) methods on the cache manager:

use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\CacheManager;

$cacheManager = $container->get(CacheManager::class);

// Invalidate a path

// Invalidate a URL

// Invalidate a route
$cacheManager->invalidateRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123))->flush();

// Invalidate a route or path with headers
$cacheManager->invalidatePath('/users', array('X-Foo' => 'bar'))->flush();
$cacheManager->invalidateRoute('user_details', array('id' => 123), array('X-Foo' => 'bar'))->flush();

To invalidate multiple representations matching a regular expression, call invalidateRegex($path, $contentType, $hosts):

$cacheManager->invalidateRegex('.*', 'image/png', array(''));

To refresh paths and routes, you can use refreshPath($path, $headers) and refreshRoute($route, $params, $headers) in a similar manner. See The Cache Manager for more information.


If you want to add a header (such as Authorization) to all invalidation requests, you can use a custom HTTP client instead.


You can add invalidation rules to your application configuration:

# app/config/config.yml
                        _route: "villain_edit|villain_delete"
                    villains_index: ~    # e.g., /villains
                    villain_details: ~   # e.g., /villain/{id}

Now when a request to either route villain_edit or route villain_delete returns a successful response, both routes villains_index and villain_details will be purged. See the invalidation configuration reference.


Set the InvalidatePath and InvalidateRoute attributes to trigger invalidation from your controllers:

use FOS\HttpCacheBundle\Configuration\InvalidatePath;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;

#[InvalidateRoute('overview', params: ['type' => 'latest'])]
#[InvalidateRoute("detail", params: ['id' => new Expression('my-expression="id"')])]
public function editAction($id)

See the Attributes reference.

Console Commands

This bundle provides commands to trigger cache invalidation from the command line. You could also send invalidation requests with a command line tool like curl or, in the case of varnish, varnishadm. But the commands simplify the task and will automatically talk to all configured cache instances.

  • fos:httpcache:invalidate:path accepts one or more paths and invalidates each of them. See invalidatePath().

  • fos:httpcache:refresh:path accepts one or more paths and refreshes each of them. See refreshPath() and refreshRoute().

  • fos:httpcache:invalidate:regex expects a regular expression and invalidates all cache entries matching that expression. To invalidate your entire cache, you can specify . (dot) which will match everything. See invalidatePath().

  • fos:httpcache:invalidate:tag accepts one or more tags and invalidates all cache entries matching any of those tags. See Tagging.

If you need more complex interaction with the cache manager, best write your own commands and use the cache manager to implement your specific logic.